There have been debates and discussions on the floor of the Parliament on various issues. Some good, some bad, some funny, some serious, and most nonsense. I do follow speeches on important aspects and this time it was the turn of the motion to thank the President for his speech at the beginning of this budget session. It was more or less as expected - on partisan lines, with the 'tu-tu, main-main' and some hitting below the belt from both sides of the parliament and in both the houses. I do not wish to get into what a Kharge of Congress said or what a Shah of the BJP said. Those are immaterial. However, when the Prime Minister stands up on the floor of the house and talks, and talks on aspects which are plain and simple lies, I feel it is my duty to point them and pen my thoughts on those. He might belong to any party, but, at the end of the day he is the Prime Minister of India and not of only those who voted for his party. So, here I go...
Mr Prime Minister, while addressing the Lok Sabha where your party enjoys a brute majority, you have made a sweeping statement when you said that it was the Congress that partitioned the country. Your body language was more than obvious from the over an hour speech you have given there. I hope you know some facts -
1. Partition was inevitable after the Britishers did not want to leave this strategic area just like that without ensuring that their trade routes will be secure. They knew that an independent India will not be a 'chamcha' of the Brits. Their first thought was to keep Balochistan as an independent colony so that they have access to the Afghan nation, Indian subcontinent and the Persian Gulf. The plan expanded to entire Pakistan after the events of late 30's and early 40's and the rise of Muslim League.
2. This might come as a bit of a surprise for you, but, when the British Imperial Government called for all relavent parties, both during the Cabinet Mission and other ones, Hindu Mahasabha, the same Hindu Mahasabha of Veer Savarkar, was represented in the Round Table Conference.
3. In fact, The Hindu Mahasabha was an alliance partner of the Muslim League in forming the Sindh, NWFP and Bengal governments. It was under that coalition government in Sindh that the very first provincial assembly resolution was passed in favor of the partition of India.
4. RSS was (and is), the parent organization of BJP and Jana Sangh a votary of the 'two nation' theory.
5. RSS was never a part of India's independence struggle and of the Quit India movement.
Funny, isn't it? I am sure you have a battery of resources who definietly would have researched you on all these five points, but, you wanted to play the Krishna of Mahabharata who pretented to be sleeping when Duryodhana was waiting for an audiance until Arjuna came to ask for Krishna's help. I am not an advocate of either Nehru or MK Gandhi or even the Congress. But, know your facts before you say that it was Congress who split the country. Everyone has to take their own share of blame for partitioning India.
You are a good orator playing really well to the gallery and you are very shrewed at turning words to your advantage and you have a God gifted talent to make people believe any and everything. But, please, do not twist the bloodiest spot in our country's history to turn it into a partisan issue for your next re-election bid. Both Congress and yourself have a lot of other mud to slung on each other. All the best for it. But, please do not make the next generation of my country to grow up with incorrect information, just because it was coming out of your mouth and on the floor of Lok Sabha.
After that, you went on to Rajya Sabha. You knew that you do not enjoy any majority in the upper house. Your body language and the actual language was a lot mellowed down. However, even here, you have mentioned something which was not true, not a fact. It again was incorrect information that was sneaked in between, just to create a WOW effect. It was ABV's government, it was Jaswant Singh as the Foreign Minister who escorted the who's who of India's Most Wanted terrorist list to Kandhahar in a plane. You have made it as a continuation of Emergency, Indira's murder-Sikh riots and Tandoor murder case. Can there be any more blatant lie than that? It was a BJP government who did that, I am sorry. It again is a false information. No denying in the fact that for me ABV was one of the top two PM's India ever had. No denying that Jaswant was a good and suave minister. But, that cannot cover the fact that it was not a Congress deed. There are a million other things that they did. Check your facts.
You should not forget that you are the PM of this country. You are talking on the floor of parliament, which you have mentioned as the 'temple of democracy' and rightly so. For heaven's sake, for India's sake, PLEASE DO NOT LIE! You have a lot of facts that Congress has actually done and can be blamed for. Not these! For sure!!!